Johnstown Harrier Showdown - Elementary Girls
Team Overall Results Place Name Average Time Score 1 St. Matthew Girls 00:07:01.02 27 2 St. Paul Girls 00:07:16.04 47 3 JYAA Girls 00:07:35.27 66 4 St. Pius X Girls 00:08:18.23 122 5 Blendon Girls 00:08:48.35 147 6 Utica Redskin Running Club Girls 00:08:52.86 154 non-Scoring Teams Name Average Time Finishers St. Michael Girls 00:09:00.62 3 Unattached 00:07:27.31 2
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Johnstown Harrier Showdown - Elementary Girls
Team Results Place Team Name Average Time # of Finishers Team Score
St. Matthew Girls
Team Position
Overall Position
Chip Time
1 1 499 Marrie Allwein 00:06:28.87 1 2 4 507 Josie Divis 00:06:59.05 3 3 8 528 Avila Thompson 00:07:11.29 6 4 10 508 Margo Divis 00:07:12.71 8 5 11 511 Ingrid Heskamp 00:07:13.19 9 6 12 498 Lyla Allwein 00:07:13.55 (10) 7 13 526 Madolyn Selan 00:07:20.89 (11)
St. Paul Girls
Team Position
Overall Position
Chip Time
1 2 542 Sarah Badowski 00:06:50.93 2 2 6 557 Norah McCollam 00:07:04.96 4 3 14 552 Kinley Klausing 00:07:23.22 12 4 17 547 Mary Bush 00:07:30.17 14 5 18 550 Rya Denz 00:07:30.94 15 6 19 551 Clare Hilgefort 00:07:31.72 (16) 7 22 544 Lillian Brabender 00:07:37.75 (17)
JYAA Girls
Team Position
Overall Position
Chip Time
1 7 487 Emma Greiner 00:07:05.44 5 2 9 488 Kinley Klinedinst 00:07:12.36 7 3 15 492 Isabelle Maclaren 00:07:25.24 13 4 32 485 Stella Cook 00:08:04.51 20 5 33 493 Annie Mcinerney 00:08:08.80 21 6 34 497 Stella Sahr 00:08:10.73 (22) 7 54 496 Kinzley Paddock 00:08:44.71 (30)
St. Pius X Girls
Team Position
Overall Position
Chip Time
1 27 563 Audrey Fenner 00:07:48.91 19 2 39 572 Anna Rutledge 00:08:15.44 24 3 41 570 Talia Mampieri 00:08:20.09 25 4 43 575 Sophia Vallillo 00:08:29.39 26 5 47 568 Vivian Kerr 00:08:37.35 28 6 72 567 Olivia Jenkins 00:09:15.68 (35) 7 79 569 Jocelyn Koscielny 00:09:24.50 (37)
Blendon Girls
Team Position
Overall Position
Chip Time
1 38 480 Lydia Michalek 00:08:14.32 23 2 44 477 Emilee Dilver 00:08:34.58 27 3 61 483 Emmi Pistiolas 00:09:00.23 31 4 62 479 Kadyn Kontura 00:09:00.96 32 5 68 476 Pearl Brehob 00:09:11.69 34 6 86 484 Finnley Stephens 00:09:58.27 (39) 7 89 478 Grace Esposito 00:10:27.90 (41)
Utica Redskin Running Club Girls
Team Position
Overall Position
Chip Time
1 25 579 Emma Farabee 00:07:45.47 18 2 50 576 Natasha Decker 00:08:39.28 29
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Johnstown Harrier Showdown - Elementary Girls
3 66 577 Molly Drake 00:09:05.28 33 4 78 582 Zoe Snyder 00:09:21.95 36 5 80 581 Haleigh Lewis 00:09:32.33 38 6 88 578 Summer Epps 00:10:23.55 (40)
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Johnstown Harrier Showdown - Elementary Girls
Individual Overall Results Overall Score Bib# Name Class Chip Time Team 1 1 499 Marrie Allwein 5th 00:06:28.87 St. Matthew Girls 2 2 542 Sarah Badowski 4th 00:06:50.93 St. Paul Girls 3 0 583 Guinevere Gehring 4th 00:06:58.87 Unattached 4 3 507 Josie Divis 5th 00:06:59.05 St. Matthew Girls 5 0 540 Nora Lund 5th 00:07:01.09 St. Michael Girls 6 4 557 Norah McCollam 4th 00:07:04.96 St. Paul Girls 7 5 487 Emma Greiner 5th 00:07:05.44 JYAA Girls 8 6 528 Avila Thompson 5th 00:07:11.29 St. Matthew Girls 9 7 488 Kinley Klinedinst 5th 00:07:12.36 JYAA Girls 10 8 508 Margo Divis 2nd 00:07:12.71 St. Matthew Girls 11 9 511 Ingrid Heskamp 5th 00:07:13.19 St. Matthew Girls 12 (10) 498 Lyla Allwein 1st 00:07:13.55 St. Matthew Girls 13 (11) 526 Madolyn Selan 4th 00:07:20.89 St. Matthew Girls 14 12 552 Kinley Klausing 4th 00:07:23.22 St. Paul Girls 15 13 492 Isabelle Maclaren 5th 00:07:25.24 JYAA Girls 16 0 520 Callie Price 3rd 00:07:28.25 St. Matthew Girls 17 14 547 Mary Bush 5th 00:07:30.17 St. Paul Girls 18 15 550 Rya Denz 5th 00:07:30.94 St. Paul Girls 19 (16) 551 Clare Hilgefort 3rd 00:07:31.72 St. Paul Girls 20 0 529 Colette Thompson 2nd 00:07:35.30 St. Matthew Girls 21 0 504 Lily Daley 4th 00:07:37.63 St. Matthew Girls 22 (17) 544 Lillian Brabender 3rd 00:07:37.75 St. Paul Girls 23 0 510 Helene Heskamp 3rd 00:07:40.04 St. Matthew Girls 24 0 503 Carolina Daley 2nd 00:07:43.16 St. Matthew Girls 25 18 579 Emma Farabee 1st 00:07:45.47 Utica Redskin Running Club Girls 26 0 519 Hannah Plank 6th 00:07:47.68 St. Matthew Girls 27 19 563 Audrey Fenner 4th 00:07:48.91 St. Pius X Girls 28 0 537 Madeline Wolf 5th 00:07:50.19 St. Matthew Girls 29 0 515 Bernadette Kebe 3rd 00:07:51.58 St. Matthew Girls 30 0 584 Arabella Merl 3rd 00:07:55.75 Unattached 31 0 535 Ellie Vucetic 3rd 00:07:58.48 St. Matthew Girls 32 20 485 Stella Cook 5th 00:08:04.51 JYAA Girls 33 21 493 Annie Mcinerney 6th 00:08:08.80 JYAA Girls 34 (22) 497 Stella Sahr 3rd 00:08:10.73 JYAA Girls 35 0 514 Lydia Horn 2nd 00:08:11.10 St. Matthew Girls 36 0 556 Olivia Long 5th 00:08:11.33 St. Paul Girls 37 0 555 Hannah Long 1st 00:08:14.04 St. Paul Girls 38 23 480 Lydia Michalek 4th 00:08:14.32 Blendon Girls 39 24 572 Anna Rutledge 3rd 00:08:15.44 St. Pius X Girls 40 0 558 Veronica Steele 4th 00:08:18.61 St. Paul Girls 41 25 570 Talia Mampieri 4th 00:08:20.09 St. Pius X Girls 42 0 534 Virginia Vincent 4th 00:08:23.39 St. Matthew Girls 43 26 575 Sophia Vallillo 1st 00:08:29.39 St. Pius X Girls 44 27 477 Emilee Dilver 1st 00:08:34.58 Blendon Girls 45 0 548 Ellison Denz 2nd 00:08:36.26 St. Paul Girls 46 0 509 Felicity Drugan 2nd 00:08:36.90 St. Matthew Girls 47 28 568 Vivian Kerr 3rd 00:08:37.35 St. Pius X Girls 48 0 500 Lauren Blake 1st 00:08:37.70 St. Matthew Girls 49 0 559 Adelina Suchland 3rd 00:08:38.33 St. Paul Girls 50 29 576 Natasha Decker 6th 00:08:39.28 Utica Redskin Running Club Girls 51 0 517 Lily Kyser K 00:08:41.81 St. Matthew Girls
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Johnstown Harrier Showdown - Elementary Girls
52 0 505 Naomi Daley K 00:08:42.74 St. Matthew Girls 53 0 524 Basil Schultz 4th 00:08:44.48 St. Matthew Girls 54 (30) 496 Kinzley Paddock 2nd 00:08:44.71 JYAA Girls 55 0 538 Sydney Wyss 1st 00:08:44.71 St. Matthew Girls 56 0 536 Clara Wolf 1st 00:08:51.86 St. Matthew Girls 57 0 543 Patience Bowman 5th 00:08:52.16 St. Paul Girls 58 0 486 Zayma Dawit 2nd 00:08:55.06 JYAA Girls 59 0 495 Lucy Mcinerney 4th 00:08:55.70 JYAA Girls 60 0 549 Makena Denz K 00:08:56.67 St. Paul Girls 61 31 483 Emmi Pistiolas 1st 00:09:00.23 Blendon Girls 62 32 479 Kadyn Kontura K 00:09:00.96 Blendon Girls 63 0 527 Ellie Steveson 1st 00:09:02.59 St. Matthew Girls 64 0 522 Olivia Rousseau 5th 00:09:03.56 St. Matthew Girls 65 0 553 Josie LaTorre 1st 00:09:04.52 St. Paul Girls 66 33 577 Molly Drake 3rd 00:09:05.28 Utica Redskin Running Club Girls 67 0 525 Cora Schultz K 00:09:05.63 St. Matthew Girls 68 34 476 Pearl Brehob 4th 00:09:11.69 Blendon Girls 69 0 516 Madelyn Kirchner 1st 00:09:12.85 St. Matthew Girls 70 0 554 Natalie LaTorre 5th 00:09:14.17 St. Paul Girls 71 0 539 Sybil Grdina 3rd 00:09:14.43 St. Michael Girls 72 (35) 567 Olivia Jenkins 2nd 00:09:15.68 St. Pius X Girls 73 0 560 Juliana Suchland 1st 00:09:16.71 St. Paul Girls 74 0 506 Bridget Divis K 00:09:19.45 St. Matthew Girls 75 0 489 Mackenzie Koh 1st 00:09:19.50 JYAA Girls 76 0 545 Claire Branz 3rd 00:09:20.48 St. Paul Girls 77 0 530 Philomena Thompson K 00:09:21.41 St. Matthew Girls 78 36 582 Zoe Snyder 2nd 00:09:21.95 Utica Redskin Running Club Girls 79 (37) 569 Jocelyn Koscielny 2nd 00:09:24.50 St. Pius X Girls 80 38 581 Haleigh Lewis 1st 00:09:32.33 Utica Redskin Running Club Girls 81 0 546 Josie Branz 1st 00:09:41.95 St. Paul Girls 82 0 523 Eliza Scherer 3rd 00:09:42.40 St. Matthew Girls 83 0 574 Elaina Smith 3rd 00:09:51.80 St. Pius X Girls 84 0 565 Olivia Heitz 2nd 00:09:52.81 St. Pius X Girls 85 0 513 Gwen Horn K 00:09:56.53 St. Matthew Girls 86 (39) 484 Finnley Stephens 2nd 00:09:58.27 Blendon Girls 87 0 501 Aubrey Carpenter 4th 00:10:14.90 St. Matthew Girls 88 (40) 578 Summer Epps K 00:10:23.55 Utica Redskin Running Club Girls 89 (41) 478 Grace Esposito 1st 00:10:27.90 Blendon Girls 90 0 573 Teagan Schneider 2nd 00:10:39.23 St. Pius X Girls 91 0 541 Therese Nguyen 4th 00:10:46.34 St. Michael Girls 92 0 494 Emma Mcinerney 3rd 00:10:49.63 JYAA Girls 93 0 561 Evelyn Caron 2nd 00:10:50.57 St. Pius X Girls 94 0 491 Arden Levin 1st 00:11:18.75 JYAA Girls 95 0 481 Tania PEterson 3rd 00:11:29.98 Blendon Girls 96 0 512 Emily Hess K 00:11:34.20 St. Matthew Girls 97 0 566 Genevieve Held K 00:11:45.91 St. Pius X Girls 98 0 562 Kate Collins 1st 00:12:25.86 St. Pius X Girls 99 0 502 Sophie Carpenter 2nd 00:12:40.51 St. Matthew Girls 100 0 490 Kenzie Lee 1st 00:12:47.36 JYAA Girls
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