Current year: 2014
Principals Athletic Conference PAC-7
13190 Patterson St. N.W.
Saturday, 10-11-2014, 9:00 AM
Additional Information 10-05-2014, 7:32 PM - PAC-7 COACHES: Due to unforeseen events, we have encountered a scheduling conflict at Clay's Park, which caused major changes to the middle school and high school courses from last year. Race times have not changed. The middle school course will still be two miles and the high school course will still be 5000 meters. However, prepare your runners for courses that truly call on their physical endurance and mental toughness. Updated maps will be uploaded as soon as possible. Please relay all messages to the middle school coaches.
Event files, links, & 2014 Results
Files posted by the event host!
Click link to Contact Event Manager.
*Use to report errors or missing results, ask questions, or submit comments.2014 PAC-7 Coaches Information
2014 PAC-7 HS Course
2014 PAC-7 MS Course
High School Boys Overall
High School Boys Team
High School Girls Overall
High School Girls Team
Middle School Boys Overall
Middle School Boys Team
Middle School Girls Overall
Middle School Girls Team