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Ohio High School Athletic Association
2015 Regional Cross Country Results
October 31, 2015



   Youngstown Regionals 1, 5, 9        
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Region 1 - Division I Boys

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 1 - Division I Girls

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 5 - Division II Boys

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 5 - Division II Girls

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 9 - Division III Boys

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 9 - Division III Girls

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

   Tiffin Regionals 2, 6, 10          
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Region 2 - Division I Boys

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 2 - Division I Girls

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 6 - Division II Boys

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 6 - Division II Girls

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 10 - Division III Boys

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 10 - Division III Girls

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

   Pickerington Regionals 3, 7, 11          
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Region 3 - Division I Boys

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 3 - Division I Girls

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 7 - Division II Boys

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 7 - Division II Girls

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 11 - Division III Boys

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 11 - Division III Girls

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

   Troy Regionals 4, 8, 12                    
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Region 4 - Division I Boys

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 4 - Division I Girls

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 8 - Division II Boys

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 8 - Division II Girls

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 12 - Division III Boys

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.

Region 12 - Division III Girls

Top four teams and those individuals that finish in the top 16 advance to the state.



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