Transfer of Qualifier Data: District to Regional or Regional to State

Meet Manager for Windows:
  1. Two TCL files are needed: Athletes / Teams and the Advancer files.
    1. Files with the extension .TCL created automatically by Hy-Tek:
      1. Each will be numbered sequentially: TCL01-01.TCL, TCL02-01.TCL, etc.
    2. Please note the name and location where the files are placed,
    3. Attach them to an e-mail and send to the address/addresses designated by the Tournament Manager.
  2. To generate the Athletes / Teams file use: File | Export | Athletes / Teams / Email  
    1. Leave the top three dropdown windows empty.
    2. For Gender, make sure the Check Box for Both is selected.
    3. For Export Type, make sure the Check Box for Athletes / Teams is selected.
    4. Click on Ok.
    5. Select drive A: (or wherever you can get to the files for attaching to an e-mail)
    6. Click OK when the export is finished.
  3. To generate the Advancer file use: File | Export | Advancers | Select All  
    1. Top how many from each event: 4
    2. Maximum Qualifiers per Event: Leave blank
    3. Include relay athlete names: Check
    4. Custom Select Advancers: Leave blank
    5. Click on Create Export | OK
    6. Select drive A: (or wherever you can get to the files for attaching to an e-mail)
    7. Note the filename: TCL##-##.TCL and where the files are located.
    8. Click OK when the export is finished.
  4. Make a Complete Backup of your Hy-Tek database. 
    1. Attach to the e-mail to the computer designee.
  5. Before quitting Hy-Tek, generate the reports needed for the web or media. 
    1. Follow Report Instructions for Hy-Tek to create the needed files.
    2. Attach the Complete Results: results.htm to the e-mail to the computer designee.
  6. Access your e-mail account and send files. 
    1. Follow E-mail Instructions for attaching files.
    2. Send to the address/addresses as instructed.
  7. If the data is not posted on the web or you receive no reply, please follow-up with a phone call to verify that the file was received and that there are no problems!