1x6Huron Tiger Pool TournamentDecember 1, 201880Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/ResBen Vandrasik 7 - Mayer 12vsBye001Bye3L4 0:33W5vsBye213Bye6L1 - 23Bye21vsMAY001Bye4vsXT1062Bye6vsNC122Bye3vsHUR214Bye5vsBye278ByeMaddox Williams 7 - Huron36L1 13-8 W5vsBye123Bye2vsBye214Bye4 0:31W2 - 12Ethan Mole*MAY 7 - X145vsBye003Bye2vsBye062Bye1L6L3L0 - 34Bye54vsXT1003Bye6vsNC063Bye3vsHUR123Bye1vsMAY213Bye2vsBye278ByeCasper Caizzo 7 - Norwalk Catholic 63 1:08W5vsBye063Bye2vsBye122Bye4 0:30W1 2:15W3 - 011st: Caizzo(NC)2nd: Williams(HUR)3rd: Vandrasik(MAY)4th: Mole*MAY(XT1)5th: 6th: Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2018
1x6Huron Tiger Pool TournamentDecember 1, 201886Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/ResMatt Skolnicki*MID 7 - X112L3L4L5 ForfeitW6L1 - 45Emilio Arambula 8 - Huron21 1:03W4 5-3 W6L3 2-0 W5 ForfeitW4 - 1TB3Skyler Cornell 7 - Port Clinton36 6-0 W1 2:18W5 ForfeitW2L4 md8-0 W4 - 1TB2Jaden Yee 7 - Midview45 ForfeitW2L1 0:20W6L3L2 - 34Marson Kimberlin 7 - South Central 54L6L3L1L2L0 - 56Lewis Strama 8 - Sailorway63L5 ForfeitW2 9-8 W4 2:54W1 0:28W4 - 1TB11st: Strama(SAI)2nd: Cornell(PCL)3rd: Arambula(HUR)4th: Yee(MID)5th: Skolnicki*MID(XT1)6th: Kimberlin(SC)Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2018
1x6Huron Tiger Pool TournamentDecember 1, 201892Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/ResTaylor Oberle*PCL 7 - X112vsBye007Bye3L4L5L6L0 - 45Bye21vsXT1007Bye4vsBAY068Bye6vsMAY128Bye3vsPCL220Bye5vsBRO284ByeKasen Cornell 8 - Port Clinton36 9-8 W1 ForfeitW5 0:45W2vsBye220Bye4 0:33W4 - 01Blake Petz 8 - Bay45 2:14W2vsBye068Bye1 ForfeitW6L3L2 - 23Andrew Janoch 8 - Brookside54L6L3L1 ForfeitW2vsBye284Bye1 - 34Ryan Hinojosa 7 - Mayer 63L5 2:20W2vsBye128Bye4 0:43W1 ForfeitW3 - 121st: Cornell(PCL)2nd: Hinojosa(MAY)3rd: Petz(BAY)4th: Janoch(BRO)5th: Oberle*PCL(XT1)6th: Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2018
2x5Huron Tiger Pool TournamentDecember 1, 201898Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Devan Vandal 8 - Midview126W4 1:01W3 1:28W0vsBye5 0:19W4 - 01Mason Henley 7 - Sandusky21L0vsBye4 5-1 W5 2:30W3 tf26-10 W3 - 12Emmanuel Crabtree 7 - Brookside30vsBye5L1L4L2L0 - 45Hunter Drury 7 - Huron45 tf15-0 W1L2L3 0:39W0vsBye2 - 23[4] Cole Palagyi*WRE 8 - X154L3 tf16-0 W0vsBye2L1L1 - 34Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[2] Kaeden Poelking*MID 8 - X212L4vsBye072Bye3 2:38W0vsBye5 2:55W2 - 12Dominic Ficker 8 - Sailorway21 0:25W0vsBye4vsBye133Bye5 0:27W3 0:14W3 - 01Lee Urbina 7 - Port Clinton30vsBye5L1L4vsBye184Bye2L0 - 34Bye45vsWRE013Bye1vsXT2072Bye2vsSAI133Bye3vsPCL184Bye0vsBye[3] Marcus Witherspoon 7 - Western Reserve54vsBye013Bye3 1:15W0vsBye2L1L1 - 23 Vandal(MID) Ficker(SAI)2861st Vandal(MID) 2:25 Henley(SAN) Poelking*MID(XT2)2873rd Henley(SAN) 2:05 Drury(HUR) Witherspoon(WRE)2885th Drury(HUR) 7-0 Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2018
2x5Huron Tiger Pool TournamentDecember 1, 2018104Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Nathan Bodman 8 - Mayer 12 1:57W4 2:45W3 0:51W0vsBye5L3 - 1TB1Edge Bargar 7 - Black River21L0vsBye4 13-10 W5 6-0 W3 1:56W3 - 1TB2Collin Taylor 7 - Bay30vsBye5L1L4L2L0 - 45William Jackson 7 - Port Clinton45L1L2L3 8-6 W0vsBye1 - 34Michael Vimpeny 7 - Brookside54 0:55W3 0:49W0vsBye2L1 9-5 W3 - 1TB3Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[2] Marcus Cruz*MAY 7 - X112 1:14W4 2:13W3L0vsBye5L2 - 23Layne Teehan 7 - Sailorway21L0vsBye4 10-4 W5L3L1 - 34Jake Elkin 8 - Western Reserve30vsBye5 md9-0 W1 0:20W4 0:23W2 0:31W4 - 01Alden Dennis 7 - Huron45L1L2L3L0vsBye0 - 45Tygh Byington 7 - Sandusky C.C.54 0:55W3L0vsBye2 0:28W1 3:26W3 - 12 Bodman(MAY) Elkin(WRE)2911st Elkin(WRE) 0:38 Bargar(BRI) Byington(SCC)2923rd Byington(SCC) 2:55 Vimpeny(BRO) Cruz*MAY(XT1)2935th Vimpeny(BRO) ForfeitTie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2018
4x3Huron Tiger Pool TournamentDecember 1, 2018110Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[1] Hunter Anderson 7 - Midview12 tf16-0 W0vsBye3L1 - 12Jonathan Mckean 7 - Black River21L3L0vsBye0 - 23Quincey Crabbs 8 - Norwalk Catholic 30vsBye2 1:01W1 3-1 W2 - 01Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[4] Zakery Kolleda*BRO 7 - X112L0vsBye3L0 - 23KeAndre Moore 8 - Huron21 0:50W3 0:52W0vsBye2 - 01Mikey Rizzo 8 - Mayer 30vsBye2L1 3:59W1 - 12Pool CRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[3] Shawn Moore 7 - Brookside12 2:23W0vsBye3L1 - 12Micah McCray 7 - Sandusky21L3L0vsBye0 - 23Ty Glavich 7 - Western Reserve30vsBye2 0:11W1 2:09W2 - 01Pool DRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[2] Dakota Hendricks*MID 8 - X212L0vsBye3L0 - 23Chris Wood 7 - Sailorway21 ForfeitW3L0vsBye1 - 12Cadence Wallace 8 - Port Clinton30vsBye2 0:40W1 ForfeitW2 - 01 Crabbs(NC) Wood(SAI) Moore(BRO) Moore(HUR) Glavich(WRE) Rizzo(MAY) Anderson(MID) Wallace(PCL)189 Crabbs(NC) 0:25190 Moore(HUR) 0:47191 Glavich(WRE) 0:57192 Anderson(MID) 3:50230 Crabbs(NC) 5-3 231 Anderson(MID) 1:592961st Crabbs(NC) 0:11 Moore(HUR)L Glavich(WRE)L2973rd Moore(HUR) 3:30 Wood(SAI)L Moore(BRO)L Rizzo(MAY)L Wallace(PCL)L232 Moore(BRO) 0:50233 Wallace(PCL) 2:322985th Moore(BRO) 6-1 Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2018
2x4Huron Tiger Pool TournamentDecember 1, 2018116Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[1] Alex Toth 7 - Brookside12L3L4L0 - 34Kenny Boggs 8 - Black River21 3:40W4L3 2:23W2 - 12C.J. Garza 7 - Port Clinton34L1 10-9 W2L1 - 23[4] Blake Ward*MID 8 - X143 1:11W2 4-0 W1 0:55W3 - 01Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[2] Logan Fowler*BRO 7 - X212L3L4L0 - 34Andy Meyer 8 - Norwalk Catholic 21 0:39W4L3 2:15W2 - 12Kreston Shaw 8 - Sailorway34L1 tf16-0 W2L1 - 23[3] Tyler Dye 8 - Midview43 1:23W2 2:55W1 0:25W3 - 01 Ward*MID(XT1) Meyer(NC) Boggs(BRI) Dye(MID)236 Ward*MID(XT1) 5-1 237 Dye(MID) 4:003021st Dye(MID) 6-0 Meyer(NC)L Boggs(BRI)L3033rd Meyer(NC) 4-2 Garza(PCL) Fowler*BRO(XT2) Toth(BRO) Shaw(SAI)238 Garza(PCL) 0:25239 Shaw(SAI) 2:593045th Garza(PCL) md9-1 Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2018
1x6Huron Tiger Pool TournamentDecember 1, 2018122Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/ResCole Ferguson 8 - Port Clinton12L3L4L5 1:23W6L1 - 45Gabe Borror 7 - Midview21 1:07W4 1:57W6 1:20W3 DefaultW5 0:24W5 - 01Michael Brass 8 - Sailorway36L1 1:23W5 1:00W2L4 1:10W3 - 23Nate Glanc 8 - Mayer 45 0:49W2L1 4:00W6L3L2 - 34Zander Lacavera 8 - Brookside54L6L3L1L2L0 - 56Chase Rospert 8 - Norwalk Catholic 63 10-7 W5 0:26W2L4 0:40W1 2:42W4 - 121st: Borror(MID)2nd: Rospert(NC)3rd: Brass(SAI)4th: Glanc(MAY)5th: Ferguson(PCL)6th: Lacavera(BRO)Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2018
2x4Huron Tiger Pool TournamentDecember 1, 2018128Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[1] Ronnie Casalinova 8 - Huron12L3 0:24W4 ForfeitW2 - 12Hayden Berry 8 - South Central 21 7-5 W4 DefaultW3 1:29W3 - 01Kris Kostohryz 7 - Brookside34L1L2L0 - 34[4] Nash Netzler*MAY 8 - X243 1:02W2L1L1 - 23Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[2] Ashton Perdue*HUR 7 - X112L3L4L0 - 34Aiden Miller 8 - Sailorway21 2:30W4L3L1 - 23Owen Bier 8 - Midview34 2:02W1 2:55W2 10-8 W3 - 01[3] Cole Karliak 8 - Mayer 43L2 0:31W1 0:30W2 - 12 Berry(SC) Karliak(MAY) Casalinova(HUR) Bier(MID)243 Karliak(MAY) 4-2 SV244 Casalinova(HUR) 15-10 SV3091st Karliak(MAY) 2:27 Berry(SC)L Bier(MID)L3103rd Berry(SC) 0:52 Netzler*MAY(XT2) Perdue*HUR(XT1) Kostohryz(BRO) Miller(SAI)245 Perdue*HUR(XT1) Forfeit246 Miller(SAI) Forfeit3115th Miller(SAI) 3:40Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2018
2x5Huron Tiger Pool TournamentDecember 1, 2018134Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Braxton Wicker 8 - Huron12 1:21W4 4:40W3 0:24W0vsBye5 0:18W4 - 01Evan Rufener 8 - Brookside21L0vsBye4L5 2:34W3L1 - 34[5] David Kramer 8 - Mayer 30vsBye5 8-4 W1L4L2 4:29W2 - 23[7] Quinn Bruder*MAY 7 - X345 0:45W1L2 0:57W3 1:21W0vsBye3 - 12[4] Wilfredo Alejo*SAN 7 - X154L3L0vsBye2L1L0 - 45Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[2] Kelly Agsten*HUR 7 - X412vsBye035Bye4L3L0vsBye5L0 - 34Bye21vsXT4035Bye0vsBye4vsSAI156Bye5vsSAN195Bye3vsXT2250Bye[6] James Helton*MAY 7 - X230vsBye5L1 3:40W4L2vsBye250Bye1 - 23Malachi Howell 8 - Sailorway45 2:22W1 0:36W2vsBye156Bye3 0:10W0vsBye3 - 01[3] Brayden Sartor 7 - Sandusky54L3 0:19W0vsBye2vsBye195Bye1 0:48W2 - 12 Wicker(HUR) Howell(SAI)3131st Wicker(HUR) 1:29 Bruder*MAY(XT3) Sartor(SAN)3143rd Sartor(SAN) 1:47 Kramer(MAY) Helton*MAY(XT2)3155th Kramer(MAY) 1:01Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2018
2x5Huron Tiger Pool TournamentDecember 1, 2018142Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Luke Rangel 8 - Sailorway12L4 md13-2 W3L0vsBye5L1 - 34Nathan Lawhead 8 - Huron21 0:15W0vsBye4 0:50W5L3L2 - 23Jayvion Johnson 8 - Sandusky30vsBye5 4:00W1 0:25W4 1:23W2 2:16W4 - 01Bruce Berger 7 - Bay45L1L2L3L0vsBye0 - 45Brandon Smith 8 - South Central 54 1:54W3L0vsBye2 4:14W1 0:17W3 - 12Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[2] Cohen Palmer*SAI 7 - X112L4L3L0vsBye5L0 - 45Reilly Laird 7 - Port Clinton21 0:18W0vsBye4L5 3:52W3 0:38W3 - 12Lili Brubaker 8 - Western Reserve30vsBye5L1 0:44W4L2L1 - 34John Michael Donaldson 8 - Brookside45 0:58W1 0:09W2 2:00W3 0:21W0vsBye4 - 01Joey Kline 8 - Mayer 54L3 2:30W0vsBye2L1 0:51W2 - 23 Johnson(SAN) Donaldson(BRO)3181st Johnson(SAN) 9-3 Smith(SC) Laird(PCL)3193rd Smith(SC) 0:16 Lawhead(HUR) Kline(MAY)3205th Lawhead(HUR) 1:22Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2018
4x3Huron Tiger Pool TournamentDecember 1, 2018150Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[1] Aiden Cotner 8 - Margaretta12vsBye041Bye0vs101Bye3 1:23W1 - 01Bye21vsMAR041Bye3vsHLOBye0vs162ByeIsael Ortiz 8 - Hopewell-Loudon30vsBye2vsBye102Bye1L0 - 12Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[4] Jason Keathley*MID 8 - X212L0vs103Bye3L0 - 23Daniel McNamara 8 - Bay21 1:23W3 5-2 W0vs164Bye2 - 01Nathan Zeigler 8 - Huron30vsBye2L1 0:40W1 - 12Pool CRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[3] Ronnie Hamm 8 - Midview12 0:45W0vsBye3 2:40W2 - 01Kyleigh Durell 8 - Black River21L3L0vsBye0 - 23Wyatt Grear 7 - Sailorway30vsBye2 4:15W1L1 - 12Pool DRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[2] Landon Plumley*MAR 7 - X112L0vsBye3L0 - 23DeCarvion Jones 8 - Sandusky21 0:31W3 4:13W0vsBye2 - 01Michael Gomes 8 - Brookside30vsBye2L1 0:22W1 - 12 Cotner(MAR) Gomes(BRO) Grear(SAI) McNamara(BAY) Hamm(MID) Zeigler(HUR) Ortiz(HLO) Jones(SAN) Gomes(BRO) 2:45 McNamara(BAY) 2:11 Zeigler(HUR) 2:45 Jones(SAN) 2:47 Gomes(BRO) 1:40 Jones(SAN) 1:221st Jones(SAN) 2:01 McNamara(BAY)L Zeigler(HUR)L3rd Zeigler(HUR) 3-1 Cotner(MAR)L Grear(SAI)L Hamm(MID)L Ortiz(HLO)L Cotner(MAR) 1:40 Ortiz(HLO) 3:545th Cotner(MAR) 1:56Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2018
2x5Huron Tiger Pool TournamentDecember 1, 2018160Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Bradely Napier 8 - Midview12 0:32W4 2:34W3L0vsBye5 0:32W3 - 12Michael West 8 - Huron21L0vsBye4 2:36W5 0:16W3L2 - 23Alec Lentz 7 - Sandusky C.C.30vsBye5 0:19W