Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.21x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonDecember 17, 2016106Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Hunter Frederick 9 - Mapleton12vsBye001Bye3vsBye046Bye4 1:23W5vsBye136Bye6 0:53W2 - 01Bye21vsMAPL001Bye4vsCLRV047Bye6vsSENE092Bye3vsBye137Bye5vsBye182ByeBye36vsSENE002Bye1vsMAPL046Bye5vsBye093Bye2vsBye137Bye4vsCLRV183ByeCory Palagyi 9 - Clearview45vsBye003Bye2vsBye047Bye1L6 0:53W3vsBye183Bye1 - 12Bye54vsCLRV003Bye6vsSENE048Bye3vsBye093Bye1vsMAPL136Bye2vsBye182ByeRayden Bivens 9 - Seneca East63vsBye002Bye5vsBye048Bye2vsBye092Bye4L1L0 - 231st: Frederick(MAPL)2nd: Palagyi(CLRV)3rd: Bivens(SENE)4th: Bye5th: Bye6th: ByeTie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2016

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.21x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonDecember 17, 2016113Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Jossue Tucker 10 - Canton McKinley12vsBye004Bye3 1:45W4 0:37W5 0:55W6 0:44W4 - 01Bye21vsCMCK004Bye4vsXT1050Bye6vsSENE095Bye3vsRITT140Bye5vsMONR185ByeApril Brown 9 - Rittman36L1L5L2vsBye140Bye4L0 - 45Damani Martin*CMCK 9 - X145L2vsBye050Bye1L6 1:59W3 1:04W2 - 2TB4Zander Takacs 9 - Monroeville54 2:54W6L3 1:05W1L2vsBye185Bye2 - 2TB3Jon Margraf 9 - Seneca East63 1:39W5 0:20W2vsBye095Bye4L1L2 - 2TB21st: Tucker(CMCK)2nd: Margraf(SENE)3rd: Takacs(MONR)4th: Martin*CMCK(XT1)5th: Brown(RITT)6th: ByeTie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2016

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.21x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonDecember 17, 2016120Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Elijah Nash 12 - Canton McKinley12vsBye007Bye3 0:40W4 3:31W5 5:00W6 md16-8 W4 - 01Bye21vsCMCK007Bye4vsRITT053Bye6vsMAPL098Bye3vsCLRV143Bye5vsXT1188ByeKevin Penny 9 - Clearview36L1L5L2vsBye143Bye4L0 - 45Andrew Kollin 9 - Rittman45 5:17W2vsBye053Bye1L6L3 1:10W2 - 23Santiago Fernandez*MAPL 11 - X154L6L3 0:34W1L2vsBye188Bye1 - 34Blake Rising 9 - Mapleton63 0:59W5 4:12W2vsBye098Bye4 3:12W1L3 - 121st: Nash(CMCK)2nd: Rising(MAPL)3rd: Kollin(RITT)4th: Fernandez*MAPL(XT1)5th: Penny(CLRV)6th: ByeTie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2016

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.21x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonDecember 17, 2016126Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Logan Dauch 10 - Lucas12L3L4L5L6L0 - 56Keshaun Clark 9 - Rittman21 9-4 W4L6L3 12-6 W5L2 - 34Chris Schendel*RITT 10 - X136L1 4:00W5L2L4L1 - 45[3] Nathan Kissinger 11 - Mapleton45 0:35W2 9-3 W1 1:20W6L3 0:56W4 - 12Jacob Castillo 9 - Clearview54L6L3 1:40W1 0:43W2 10-5 W3 - 23[2] Carl Turner 12 - Canton McKinley63 tf15-0 W5 0:34W2 9-2 W4 5:01W1 0:21W5 - 011st: Turner(CMCK)2nd: Kissinger(MAPL)3rd: Castillo(CLRV)4th: Clark(RITT)5th: Schendel*RITT(XT1)6th: Dauch(LUCS)Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2016

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.21x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonDecember 17, 2016132Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Teryn DeBold 10 - Seneca East12vsBye013Bye3 1:43W4 3:37W5 12-6 W6 4:29W4 - 01Bye21vsSENE013Bye4vsLUCS059Bye6vsRITT104Bye3vsXT1149Bye5vsMONR194ByeArizona Holman*RITT 9 - X136L1L5L2vsBye149Bye4L0 - 45[3] Sam Krupa 10 - Lucas45L2vsBye059Bye1L6L3 0:33W1 - 34Donovan Ruffing 12 - Monroeville54 1:10W6L3 1:22W1L2vsBye194Bye2 - 23[2] Zach Ramsier 10 - Rittman63 2:25W5 0:36W2vsBye104Bye4 1:46W1L3 - 121st: DeBold(SENE)2nd: Ramsier(RITT)3rd: Ruffing(MONR)4th: Krupa(LUCS)5th: Holman*RITT(XT1)6th: ByeTie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2016

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.21x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonDecember 17, 2016138Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/ResWyatt Sanders 9 - Seneca East12L3L4L5L6L0 - 56Josh Medina*WILL 10 - X121 1:00W4 1:48W6 1:18W3 0:15W5L4 - 12Clayton Helton 11 - Rittman36L1 0:24W5L2L4L1 - 45Avery Cruz 10 - Clearview45L2L1 4:00W6L3 4-2 W2 - 34Gerron Poston 12 - Willard54 5:02W6 0:19W3 3:15W1 3:56W2 2:55W5 - 01Austin Holbrook 10 - Lucas63 md15-6 W5L2L4 4-3 W1 5:22W3 - 231st: Poston(WILL)2nd: Medina*WILL(XT1)3rd: Holbrook(LUCS)4th: Cruz(CLRV)5th: Helton(RITT)6th: Sanders(SENE)Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2016

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.22x4Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonDecember 17, 2016145Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[1] Josh McMullen 10 - Canton McKinley12 1:16W3 2:30W4 1:04W3 - 01Steven Mills 11 - Rittman21L4 md14-3 W3L1 - 23Ryan Geisler 9 - Mapleton34 3:52W1L2 0:47W2 - 12Angel Beauchamp 10 - Clearview43L2L1L0 - 34Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[2] Skyler Wise 11 - Seneca East12 1:08W3vsBye066Bye4L1 - 12Jacob Cadle 9 - Lucas21L4L3vsBye112Bye0 - 23Bye34vsWILL022Bye1vsSENE066Bye2vsLUCS112ByeD.J. Slone 9 - Willard43vsBye022Bye2 1:02W1 2:32W2 - 01 McMullen(CMCK)1 Wise(SENE)7 Geisler(MAPL)4 Slone(WILL)8154 McMullen(CMCK) tf16-1 155 Slone(WILL) 2:451991st McMullen(CMCK) 1:08 Wise(SENE)L Geisler(MAPL)L2003rd Geisler(MAPL) 9-7 Mills(RITT)6Bye Beauchamp(CLRV)2 Cadle(LUCS)3156 Mills(RITT) 157 Beauchamp(CLRV) 2:002015th Beauchamp(CLRV) 2:00Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2016

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.21x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonDecember 17, 2016152Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Ian Maund 12 - Mapleton12vsBye023Bye3 1:18W4 0:55W5vsBye158Bye6 4:38W3 - 01Bye21vsMAPL023Bye4vsWILL069Bye6vsMONR114Bye3vsCLRV159Bye5vsBye204ByeJeri Ruiz 9 - Clearview36L1L5vsBye115Bye2vsBye159Bye4 3:37W1 - 23Eric Diaz 9 - Willard45vsBye025Bye2vsBye069Bye1L6L3L0 - 34Bye54vsWILL025Bye6vsMONR070Bye3vsCLRV115Bye1vsMAPL158Bye2vsBye204Bye[2] Colten Millis 12 - Monroeville63 1:13W5vsBye070Bye2vsBye114Bye4 2:29W1L2 - 121st: Maund(MAPL)2nd: Millis(MONR)3rd: Ruiz(CLRV)4th: Diaz(WILL)5th: Bye6th: ByeTie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2016

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.21x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonDecember 17, 2016160Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Elton Simpson 12 - Canton McKinley12 1:32W3 0:58W4 3:24W5 md12-4 W6 DefaultW5 - 01Jacob Kessler 9 - Clearview21L4L6L3L5L0 - 56Seth Dye 9 - Willard36 0:52W1L5L2 2:51W4L2 - 34[3] Dakota Jones*CMCK 12 - X145 3-1 SVW2 1:30W1L6 1:09W3 7-4 W4 - 12Joel Wise 10 - Seneca East54L6 1:05W3 1:34W1L2 3:42W3 - 23[2] Nick Baker 12 - Lucas63L5L2 1:01W4L1L1 - 451st: Simpson(CMCK)2nd: Jones*CMCK(XT1)3rd: Wise(SENE)4th: Dye(WILL)5th: Baker(LUCS)6th: Kessler(CLRV)Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2016

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.21x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonDecember 17, 2016170Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Manny Garza 12 - Rittman12vsBye029Bye3 1:30W4 1:15W5 2:13W6 3:41W4 - 01Bye21vsRITT029Bye4vsLUCS075Bye6vsMONR120Bye3vsSENE165Bye5vsCMCK210ByeJaycob Kaiser 11 - Seneca East36L1L5 3:07W2vsBye165Bye4 1:00W2 - 23Jordan Sheppard 11 - Lucas45L2vsBye075Bye1L6L3L0 - 45Nathan Goodwin 9 - Canton McKinley54 18-11 W6L3L1L2vsBye210Bye1 - 34[2] Rhett Roeder 12 - Monroeville63 md12-3 W5 1:58W2vsBye120Bye4 0:49W1L3 - 121st: Garza(RITT)2nd: Roeder(MONR)3rd: Kaiser(SENE)4th: Goodwin(CMCK)5th: Sheppard(LUCS)6th: ByeTie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2016

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.21x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonDecember 17, 2016182Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Micha Clemson 10 - Canton McKinley12vsBye032Bye3 5:14W4 1:09W5vsBye167Bye6 10-7 W3 - 01Bye21vsCMCK032Bye4vsXT1078Bye6vsRITT123Bye3vsMONR168Bye5vsBye213ByeCaleb Smith 12 - Monroeville36L1L5vsBye124Bye2vsBye168Bye4 1:10W1 - 23Erik Reinhart*MONR 12 - X145vsBye034Bye2vsBye078Bye1L6L3L0 - 34Bye54vsXT1034Bye6vsRITT079Bye3vsMONR124Bye1vsCMCK167Bye2vsBye213Bye[2] Andy Barnett 10 - Rittman63 md14-1 W5vsBye079Bye2vsBye123Bye