1x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonJanuary 25, 2020106Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Nick Roberts 10 - Plymouth12vsBye101Bye3 1:18W4 5:35W5vsBye254Bye6 1:14W3 - 01Bye21vsPLYM101Bye4vsBUCK149Bye6vsMALV196Bye3vsCLR255Bye5vsBye302Bye[4] Oscar Rivera 11 - Clearview36 8-3 W1L5vsBye197Bye2vsBye255Bye4L1 - 23[3] Tanner Tecco 10 - Buckeye45vsBye103Bye2vsBye149Bye1L6 0:58W3 3:00W2 - 12Bye54vsBUCK103Bye6vsMALV150Bye3vsCLR197Bye1vsPLYM254Bye2vsBye302Bye[2] Ethan Boni 10 - Malvern63L5vsBye150Bye2vsBye196Bye4L1L0 - 341st: 2nd: 3rd: 4th: 5th: 6th: Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of team points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2020
1x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonJanuary 25, 2020113Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Hunter Frederick 12 - Mapleton12vsBye104Bye3 0:52W4 5:15W5 0:45W6 5:45W4 - 01Bye21vsMAPL104Bye4vsFIRE152Bye6vsMALV199Bye3vsPLYM258Bye5vsCHIP305Bye[4] Andrew Miller 9 - Plymouth36L1L5L2vsBye258Bye4L0 - 45[3] Hamzah Abdelrahim 10 - Firestone45 3:19W2vsBye152Bye1L6L3 1:38W2 - 23[5] Tommy Hegarty 11 - Chippewa54L6L3 5:02W1L2vsBye305Bye1 - 34[2] Johnny Walker 10 - Malvern63 1:47W5 2:42W2vsBye199Bye4 5:18W1L3 - 121st: Frederick(MAPL)2nd: Walker(MALV)3rd: Abdelrahim(FIRE)4th: Hegarty(CHIP)5th: Miller(PLYM)6th: Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of team points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2020
2x4Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonJanuary 25, 2020120Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[1] Tyler Banta 12 - Malvern12 0:55W3 0:16W4 1:02W3 - 01Katie Vogt-Sheilds 11 - Buckeye21L4L3L0 - 34Elmer Kidd 9 - Clearview34L1L2 1:57W1 - 23[4] Josue Panchana 11 - Firestone43 1:00W2 1:14W1L2 - 12Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[2] William Zaborski 10 - Start12 1:45W3 1:12W4 2:42W3 - 01Myles Huff*CLR 11 - X121L4L3L0 - 34Bryce Case 10 - Mapleton34L1L2 1:20W1 - 23[3] Keith Tuttle 11 - Plymouth43 1:28W2 0:10W1L2 - 12 Banta(MALV) Tuttle(PLYM) Panchana(FIRE) Zaborski(STRT)260 Banta(MALV) 1:28261 Zaborski(STRT) 3-2 3071st Banta(MALV) 1:11 Tuttle(PLYM)L Panchana(FIRE)L3083rd Tuttle(PLYM) 3-2 Kidd(CLR) Huff*CLR(XT1) Vogt-Sheilds(BUCK) Case(MAPL)262 Kidd(CLR) 0:56263 Case(MAPL) 1:413095th Case(MAPL) 2:00Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of team points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2020
1x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonJanuary 25, 2020126Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Andrew Sas 10 - Mapleton12vsBye111Bye3 1:21W4vsBye205Bye5 1:49W6 4:56W3 - 01Bye21vsMAPL111Bye4vsBye159Bye6vsCLR206Bye3vsPLYM265Bye5vsONT312ByeChristian Page 10 - Plymouth36L1L5L2vsBye265Bye4vsBye313Bye0 - 34Bye45vsONT113Bye2vsBye159Bye1vsMAPL205Bye6vsCLR266Bye3vsPLYM313ByeJaziah Stover 11 - Ontario54vsBye113Bye6L3 1:06W1L2vsBye312Bye1 - 23[2] Sherod Bullard 11 - Clearview63 1:42W5 5:03W2vsBye206Bye4vsBye266Bye1L2 - 121st: Sas(MAPL)2nd: Bullard(CLR)3rd: Stover(ONT)4th: Page(PLYM)5th: 6th: Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of team points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2020
1x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonJanuary 25, 2020132Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Jacob Robinson 10 - Plymouth12vsBye114Bye3 1:12W4 3:04W5vsBye267Bye6 0:50W3 - 01Bye21vsPLYM114Bye4vsMAPL162Bye6vsBUCK209Bye3vsWR268Bye5vsBye315ByeSadina Munroe 9 - Western Reserve36L1L5vsBye210Bye2vsBye268Bye4L0 - 34Isaah Rivera 10 - Mapleton45vsBye116Bye2vsBye162Bye1L6L3 0:36W1 - 23Bye54vsMAPL116Bye6vsBUCK163Bye3vsWR210Bye1vsPLYM267Bye2vsBye315ByeFrankie Svancara 9 - Buckeye63 0:53W5vsBye163Bye2vsBye209Bye4 3:48W1L2 - 121st: Robinson(PLYM)2nd: Svancara(BUCK)3rd: Rivera(MAPL)4th: Munroe(WR)5th: 6th: Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of team points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2020
1x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonJanuary 25, 2020138Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Blake Rising 12 - Mapleton12 1:10W3 0:40W4 DefaultW5 0:55W6 3:59W5 - 01Jack Glancy 10 - Buckeye21L4 DefaultW6L3 1:59W5L2 - 34Francis Burns*MAPL 11 - X136L1L5L2L4 DefaultW1 - 45Myles Barnett 11 - Malvern45L2L1L6L3L0 - 56Jeremy Sanchez 9 - Clearview54 DefaultW6L3 1:37W1L2 2:28W3 - 23[2] Shae Sparks 9 - Plymouth63 1:13W5 3:15W2 1:12W4 DefaultW1L4 - 121st: Rising(MAPL)2nd: Sparks(PLYM)3rd: Sanchez(CLR)4th: Glancy(BUCK)5th: Burns*MAPL(XT1)6th: Barnett(MALV)Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of team points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2020
1x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonJanuary 25, 2020145Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Noah Trimmer 11 - Plymouth12vsBye120Bye3 1:38W4 2:23W5 1:37W6 5:32W4 - 01Bye21vsPLYM120Bye4vsCHIP168Bye6vsMAPL215Bye3vsONT274Bye5vsMALV321ByeDrew Barnes 9 - Ontario36L1L5 3:53W2vsBye274Bye4 3:31W2 - 23Trent Zollinger 9 - Chippewa45 8-1 W2vsBye168Bye1L6L3L1 - 34P.J. Anderson 11 - Malvern54L6L3L1L2vsBye321Bye0 - 45[2] Camden Kline 11 - Mapleton63 md8-0 W5 0:50W2vsBye215Bye4 1:22W1L3 - 121st: Trimmer(PLYM)2nd: Kline(MAPL)3rd: Barnes(ONT)4th: Zollinger(CHIP)5th: Anderson(MALV)6th: Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of team points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2020
2x5Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonJanuary 25, 2020152Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Colton Turnbaugh 12 - Ontario12 3:09W4vsBye170Bye3 3:03W0vsBye5 3:31W3 - 01Michael Tarrant 11 - Clearview21L0vsBye4vsBye218Bye5L3 4:42W1 - 23[5] Zane Keele 12 - Firestone30vsBye5L1L4vsBye243Bye2L0 - 34Bye45vsMALV124Bye1vsONT170Bye2vsCLR218Bye3vsFIRE243Bye0vsBye[4] Xavier Watson 9 - Malvern54vsBye124Bye3 8-6 W0vsBye2 3:35W1L2 - 12Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[2] Jeremy Tracy 12 - Mapleton12 1:17W4 0:59W3 1:15W0vsBye5 2:43W4 - 01Gage Radtka*MALV 9 - X121L0vsBye4L5L3L0 - 45Kavon Jackson*FIRE - X230vsBye5L1L4L2 0:20W1 - 34Taden Williams 10 - Start45L1L2 0:19W3 1:04W0vsBye2 - 23[3] Colton Sparks 9 - Plymouth54 2:38W3 1:03W0vsBye2 0:17W1L3 - 12 Turnbaugh(ONT) Tracy(MAPL)3231st Turnbaugh(ONT) 5-3 Watson(MALV) Sparks(PLYM)3243rd Sparks(PLYM) md13-0 Tarrant(CLR) Williams(STRT)3255th Tarrant(CLR) 2:39Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of team points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2020
2x5Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonJanuary 25, 2020160Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Jeri Ruiz 12 - Clearview12vsBye127Bye4 17-15 W3 0:W0vsBye5L2 - 12Bye21vsCLR127Bye0vsBye4vsXT2222Bye5vsPLYM246Bye3vsBUCK281Bye[5] Joe Slick 10 - Buckeye30vsBye5L1L4L2vsBye281Bye0 - 34[7] Robert Tranthem*FIRE 10 - X245L1L2vsBye222Bye3 1:02W0vsBye1 - 23[4] Gabe Cox 10 - Plymouth54 16-9 W3 tf18-2 W0vsBye2vsBye246Bye1 5:45W3 - 01Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[2] Jerwon Turner 12 - Firestone12 0:49W4 1:25W3 1:20W0vsBye5 md10-0 W4 - 01Bryar Ramey 11 - Mapleton21L0vsBye4 14-7 W5 2:25W3 1:04W3 - 12[6] Mark Stanton*BUCK 9 - X130vsBye5L1L4L2L0 - 45Andrew Underwood 12 - Ontario45L1L2L3 3:42W0vsBye1 - 34[3] Tommy Thompson 11 - Malvern54 4:47W3 1:03W0vsBye2L1L2 - 23 Cox(PLYM) Turner(FIRE)3281st Turner(FIRE) 3:10 Ruiz(CLR) Ramey(MAPL)3293rd Ruiz(CLR) 1:15 Tranthem*FIRE(XT2) Thompson(MALV)3305th Tranthem*FIRE(XT2) 1:55Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of team points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2020
2x5Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonJanuary 25, 2020170Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Tyler Ramage 12 - Western Reserve12 1:15W4 0:51W3 1:37W0vsBye5 9-5 W4 - 01Sean Gast 10 - Mapleton21L0vsBye4 5:35W5L3L1 - 34[5] Peyton Young 12 - Plymouth30vsBye5L1L4 1:35W2 1:22W2 - 23Jaiden Garden*FIRE 12 - X145L1L2L3L0vsBye0 - 45[4] Hunter Mora 12 - Buckeye54 1:50W3 5:46W0vsBye2 2:47W1L3 - 12Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[2] David Fitzpatrick 11 - Clearview12 0:40W4vsBye180Bye3 0:24W0vsBye5L2 - 12Ethan Owens 10 - Ontario21L0vsBye4vsBye228Bye5L3L0 - 34[6] Collin Greene 10 - Malvern30vsBye5L1L4vsBye253Bye2 DefaultW1 - 23Bye45vsFIRE134Bye1vsCLR180Bye2vsONT228Bye3vsMALV253Bye0vsBye[3] Walter Scrutchings 11 - Firestone54vsBye134Bye3 1:27W0vsBye2 DefaultW1 md14-3 W3 - 01 Ramage(WR) Scrutchings(FIRE)3331st Ramage(WR) 0:30 Mora(BUCK) Fitzpatrick(CLR)3343rd Mora(BUCK) 4:32 Young(PLYM) Greene(MALV)3355th Young(PLYM) 0:59Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of team points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2020
1x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonJanuary 25, 2020182Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Jacob Kessler 12 - Clearview12vsBye135Bye3 3:52W4 7-6 W5L6 3:45W3 - 1TB3Bye21vsCLR135Bye4vsMALV183Bye6vsPLYM230Bye3vsMAPL289Bye5vsBUCK339ByeGrady Kline 10 - Mapleton36L1L5L2vsBye289Bye4 7-2 W1 - 34[3] Sam Foster 10 - Malvern45L2vsBye183Bye1L6L3L0 - 45Joe Maitland 10 - Buckeye54 3:25W6L3 0:40W1 0:38W2vsBye339Bye3 - 1TB2[2] Jason Swank 11 - Plymouth63 0:51W5 1:59W2vsBye230Bye4 0:44W1L3 - 1TB11st: Swank(PLYM)2nd: Maitland(BUCK)3rd: Kessler(CLR)4th: Kline(MAPL)5th: Foster(MALV)6th: Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of team points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2020
1x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonJanuary 25, 2020195Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Adler Horne 11 - Plymouth12 0:32W3 12-10 W4 DefaultW5 1:47W6 tf16-1 W5 - 01Dillon Kern 11 - Mapleton21L4L6 0:56W3L5 1:45W2 - 3TB5[4] Daniel Claytor 11 - Start36L1L5 3:15W2 11-6 W4 DefaultW3 - 2TB3[3] Carlton Miller 12 - Chippewa45 4:40W2 3:49W1L6L3L2 - 3TB4[5] Ian Kichurchak 10 - Buckeye54L6L3L1L2L0 - 56[2] Olivia Daniels 12 - Malvern63 3:10W5 1:00W2L4 DefaultW1L3 - 2TB21st: Horne(PLYM)2nd: Daniels(MALV)3rd: Claytor(STRT)4th: Miller(CHIP)5th: Kern(MAPL)6th: Kichurchak(BUCK)Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of team points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2020
2x4Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonJanuary 25, 2020220Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[1] Dylan Van Fleet 12 - Plymouth12 0:41W3 0:29W4 1:30W3 - 01Awadu LBert 11 - Firestone21L4 5:22W3 8-1 W2 - 12Timond Hooker*STRT 10 - X234L1L2L0 - 34[4] Matt Jeffrey*MALV 10 - X143 5:33W2L1L1 - 23Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[2] Donovan Latimer 12 - Start12 3:45W3 1:39W4 3:26W3 - 01Landon Sword 9 - Mapleton21L4L3 2:13W1 - 23Ricky Shundry*MALV 12 - X334L1L2L0 - 34[3] Trentyn Skinner 11 - Malvern43 1:33W2 0:56W1L2 - 12 Van Fleet(PLYM) Skinner(MALV) LBert(FIRE) Latimer(STRT)294 Van Fleet(PLYM) 1:20295 LBert(FIRE) 2-1 3441st Van Fleet(PLYM) 0:34 Skinner(MALV)L Latimer(STRT)L3453rd Latimer(STRT) Default Jeffrey*MALV(XT1) Shundry*MALV(XT3) Hooker*STRT(XT2) Sword(MAPL)296 Jeffrey*MALV(XT1) 0:48297 Sword(MAPL) 0:153465th Sword(MAPL) 1:35Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of team points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2020
1x6Dave Rohr Classic - MapletonJanuary 25, 2020285Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Cameron Carreras 9 - Clearview12vsBye145Bye3 0:59W4L5vsBye298Bye6 2:34W2 - 12Bye21vsCLR145Bye4vsMAPL193Bye6vsWR240Bye3vsMALV299Bye5vsBye349ByeAron Smith 9 - Malvern36 1:04W1L5vsBye241Bye2vsBye299Bye4L1 - 23Joe Shoup 10 - Mapleton45vsBye147Bye2vsBye193Bye1 7-6 W6 0:55W3 1:17W3 - 01Bye54vsMAPL147Bye6vsWR194Bye3vsMALV241Bye1vsCLR298Bye2vsBye349ByeZak Busek 11 - Western Reserve63L5vs