Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.22x5Milford Invitational TournamentJanuary 30, 2016106Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Andrew Carter 9 - Mason12 1:30W4 2:40W3 2:16W0vsBye5 3:14W4 - 01Shane Huff 9 - McClain21L0vsBye4L5L3 2:51W1 - 34Soren Melbye - Monroe30vsBye5L1L4L2L0 - 45Isaac Lindquist 9 - Northwest45L1L2 1:35W3 1:06W0vsBye2 - 23[4] Cooper Leszczuk 9 - Indian Hill54 0:51W3 2:40W0vsBye2 tf18-3 W1L3 - 12Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[2] Darius Lovett 10 - Winton Woods12 1:50W4 DefaultW3vsBye163Bye0vsBye5L2 - 12Elijah Richards 9 - New Richmond21L0vsBye4 DefaultW5L3vsBye268Bye1 - 23Bye30vsBye5vsMIL084Bye1vsWWO163Bye4vsMAR244Bye2vsNRI268ByeMichael Butler 9 - Mariemont45L1L2L3vsBye244Bye0vsBye0 - 34[3] Kobey Bronaugh 9 - Milford54 0:34W3vsBye084Bye0vsBye2 1:12W1 md15-1 W3 - 01 Carter(MAS)6 Bronaugh(MIL)93491st Bronaugh(MIL) 2:52 Leszczuk(IHI)3 Lovett(WWO)193503rd Lovett(WWO) 0:10 Lindquist(NOR)13 Richards(NRI)123515th Richards(NRI) 0:26Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2016

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.22x5Milford Invitational TournamentJanuary 30, 2016113Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Harry Sand 10 - Turpin12 1:56W4vsBye085Bye3 0:20W0vsBye5 3:57W3 - 01Oskar Flowers 10 - Northwest21L0vsBye4vsBye166Bye5L3 1:21W1 - 23Tanner Seitz*MON - X130vsBye5L1L4vsBye246Bye2L0 - 34Bye45vsWWO006Bye1vsTUR085Bye2vsNOR166Bye3vsXT1246Bye0vsByeJon Rumph 10 - Winton Woods54vsBye006Bye3 1:04W0vsBye2 md20-11 W1L2 - 12Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[2] Jarret Reid 11 - Mason12 tf20-2 W4 tf17-2 W3 md13-5 W0vsBye5 md12-4 W4 - 01Alex Price 9 - Milford21L0vsBye4L5L3L0 - 45Peter Henderson 10 - Sycamore30vsBye5 6-4 W1L4 1:48W2 1:37W3 - 12Elijah Worley 10 - New Richmond45L1L2 5:45W3L0vsBye1 - 34[3] Cody Tracey 9 - Monroe54 1:23W3L0vsBye2 0:34W1L2 - 23 Sand(TUR)16 Reid(MAS)63541st Sand(TUR) 2:23 Rumph(WWO)19 Henderson(SYC)143553rd Henderson(SYC) 7-3 Flowers(NOR)13 Tracey(MON)103565th Tracey(MON) 0:34Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2016

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.24x4Milford Invitational TournamentJanuary 30, 2016120Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[1] Kyle Green 11 - Sycamore12 0:44W3 8-2 W4 0:29W3 - 01Kane Eggers 12 - Deer Park21L4L3 ForfeitW1 - 2TB3Christopher Jedding 10 - Mason34 2:17W1L2L1 - 2TB4Matthew Coniglio 9 - Kings43L2 1:23W1L1 - 2TB2Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[4] Tanner Tite 9 - McClain12vsBye011Bye3 4:46W4 tf17-2 W2 - 01Bye21vsMCC011Bye4vsIHI092Bye3vsMHE172ByeYusuf Dewees 10 - Mt. Healthy34 md14-3 W1L2vsBye172Bye1 - 12[5] Jaden Anderson 9 - Indian Hill43L2vsBye092Bye1L0 - 23Pool CRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[3] Tyler King 12 - Northwest12 md25-12 W3 tf22-7 W4 7-6 W3 - 01Vinny Gabriele 10 - Amelia21L4L3L0 - 34Cory Tracey 9 - Monroe34L1L2 ForfeitW1 - 23[6] Austin Planck 9 - New Richmond43 tf15-0 W2 12-6 W1L2 - 12Pool DRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[2] Martice Johnson 12 - Thom. Worthington12 1:53W3 4:40W4 2:24W3 - 01Zach Kershner 9 - Walnut Hills21L4 0:41W3L1 - 23Ryan Potter 9 - Milford34 0:24W1L2 0:50W2 - 12Samantha Byrd 10 - Mariemont43L2L1L0 - 34 Green(SYC)14 Tite(MCC)7 King(NOR)13 Johnson(TWO)15273 Green(SYC) 1:25274 Johnson(TWO) 1:333591st Johnson(TWO) 6-4 Tite(MCC)L King(NOR)L3603rd King(NOR) 7-3 Coniglio(KIN)4 Dewees(MHE)11 Planck(NRI)12 Potter(MIL)9275 Dewees(MHE) 0:49276 Planck(NRI) 7-5 3615th Planck(NRI) 3:22Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2016

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.24x4Milford Invitational TournamentJanuary 30, 2016126Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[1] Brandon Planck 11 - New Richmond12 1:04W3vsBye097Bye4 0:21W2 - 01Raeqwon Currie 10 - Mt. Healthy21L4 1:29W3vsBye178Bye1 - 12Bye34vsMCC018Bye1vsNRI097Bye2vsMHE178ByeAaron Kovach 11 - McClain43vsBye018Bye2L1L0 - 23Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[4] Jesse Potts 12 - Deer Park12 0:59W3 2:08W4L2 - 12Jamaine Barnhart*MCC 12 - X121L4L3L0 - 34Andrew Popov 9 - Kings34L1L2 0:53W1 - 23[5] Dylan Waugh 10 - Mason43 1:55W2 0:46W1 5-2 W3 - 01Pool CRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[3] Shaun Burgdorf 12 - Milford12 0:16W3 1:34W4 3:09W3 - 01Conrad Kleiner 9 - Walnut Hills21L4L3L0 - 34Josh Haunert 10 - Sycamore34L1L2 1:27W1 - 23[6] Jamir Thompson 11 - Winton Woods43 md18-6 W2 tf20-3 W1L2 - 12Pool DRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[2] Tyler Norris 12 - Thom. Worthington12 0:49W3 0:09W4vsBye183Bye2 - 01John McGuire 10 - Turpin21L4vsBye104Bye3 0:31W1 - 12Jason Clark 9 - Indian Hill34vsBye024Bye1L2L0 - 23Bye43vsIHI024Bye2vsTUR104Bye1vsTWO183Bye Planck(NRI)12 Waugh(MAS)6 Burgdorf(MIL)9 Norris(TWO)15281 Planck(NRI) 0:53282 Norris(TWO) 1:253671st Norris(TWO) 5:23 Waugh(MAS)L Burgdorf(MIL)L3683rd Burgdorf(MIL) 4:46 Currie(MHE)11 Potts(DPA)2 Thompson(WWO)19 McGuire(TUR)16283 Potts(DPA) tf18-3 284 McGuire(TUR) 8-7 3695th Potts(DPA) md9-0 Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2016

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.24x3Milford Invitational TournamentJanuary 30, 2016132Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[1] Ryan Arnold 12 - Monroe12 0:43W0vsBye3 5:42W2 - 01Chase Haimerl 10 - Thom. Worthington21L3 7-1 W0vsBye1 - 12Adrian Root 11 - Amelia30vsBye2L1L0 - 23Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[4] Justin Reid 11 - Mason12 3:12W0vsBye3L1 - 12Trey Maxey-Duest 11 - Turpin21L3L0vsBye0 - 23[5] Noah Gast 10 - Sycamore30vsBye2 6-2 W1 md9-0 W2 - 01Pool CRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[3] Jimmy Murphy 11 - Milford12 1:26W0vsBye3 0:45W2 - 01Casey Washburn*NRI 9 - X121L3 2:34W0vsBye1 - 12[6] Graham Wyler 9 - Indian Hill30vsBye2L1L0 - 23Pool DRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[2] Lane Dees 10 - New Richmond12 1:29W0vsBye3 0:37W2 - 01Hammad Choudrey*TWO 10 - X221L3 3:22W0vsBye1 - 12Eric Fromekong 9 - Winton Woods30vsBye2L1L0 - 23 Arnold(MON)10 Choudrey*TWO(XT2)22 Washburn*NRI(XT1)21 Gast(SYC)14 Murphy(MIL)9 Reid(MAS)6 Haimerl(TWO)15 Dees(NRI)12249 Arnold(MON) 3:24250 Gast(SYC) md14-4 251 Murphy(MIL) 3:19252 Dees(NRI) 8-5 289 Arnold(MON) 6-5 290 Murphy(MIL) tf16-0 3751st Murphy(MIL) 5:24 Gast(SYC)L Dees(NRI)L3763rd Dees(NRI) 0:53 Choudrey*TWO(XT2)L Washburn*NRI(XT1)L Reid(MAS)L Haimerl(TWO)L291 Washburn*NRI(XT1) 1:53292 Reid(MAS) md11-2 3775th Reid(MAS) 1:12Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2016

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.24x4Milford Invitational TournamentJanuary 30, 2016138Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[1] Keyon Huntley 12 - Northwest12 1:11W3vsBye109Bye4 tf15-0 W2 - 01Garrett Coleman 12 - Thom. Worthington21L4 md12-4 W3vsBye190Bye1 - 12Bye34vsXT2030Bye1vsNOR109Bye2vsTWO190ByeShane Jones*NRI 10 - X243vsBye030Bye2L1L0 - 23Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[4] Jaymes Robinson 12 - Winton Woods12L3 1:55W4 4:45W2 - 12Calvin Myers - Mason21 md13-2 W4 1:50W3 3:47W3 - 01Isaiah Weyand-Geise 9 - Walnut Hills34L1L2L0 - 34[5] Patrick Farist 9 - Indian Hill43 md18-6 W2L1L1 - 23Pool CRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[3] Shayne McDonough 12 - Milford12 3:10W3vsBye113Bye4 tf18-2 W2 - 01J.D. Folz 10 - Sycamore21L4L3vsBye194Bye0 - 23Bye34vsNRI034Bye1vsMIL113Bye2vsSYC194Bye[6] Ryan Wolf 10 - New Richmond43vsBye034Bye2 1:59W1L1 - 12Pool DRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[2] Marcellus Mohanna 12 - Monroe12 0:47W3 1:30W4 md13-2 W3 - 0TB1Tommy Johnson 10 - McClain21L4L3L0 - 34Zach King 9 - Kings34L1L2 tf18-3 W1 - 2TB3Adam Hohlbein*TWO 12 - X143 2:33W2 DisqW1L2 - 1TB2 Huntley(NOR)13 Myers(MAS)6 McDonough(MIL)9 Mohanna(MON)10295 Huntley(NOR) 0:32296 McDonough(MIL) md10-2 3811st Huntley(NOR) 14-8 Myers(MAS)L Mohanna(MON)L3823rd Mohanna(MON) 4-2 Coleman(TWO)15 Robinson(WWO)19 Wolf(NRI)12 Hohlbein*TWO(XT1)21297 Coleman(TWO) tf18-2 298 Wolf(NRI) 3:193835th Wolf(NRI) 3-0 Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2016

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.24x4Milford Invitational TournamentJanuary 30, 2016145Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[1] Cornell Beachem 10 - Winton Woods12 1:48W3 1:59W4 2:07W3 - 01Saul Weinstein 11 - Walnut Hills21L4 2:42W3 md22-8 W2 - 12Dylan Hayward 10 - Amelia34 1:56W1L2L1 - 23Sam Smith 9 - Miami Valley Christian43L2L1L0 - 34Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[4] Jack Steuerwald 11 - Indian Hill12vsBye039Bye3L4L0 - 23Bye21vsIHI039Bye4vsNRI120Bye3vsMAR200ByeDrew Goheen 11 - Mariemont34L1 5:59W2vsBye200Bye1 - 12[5] Gavin Clark 9 - New Richmond43 3:13W