Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.21x6Whitehall JV invitationalJanuary 21, 2017106Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Luke Lutz 9 - Hil. Davidson12vsBye001Bye3vsBye052Bye4 3:42W5vsBye158Bye6L1 - 12Bye21vsHDA001Bye4vsWYE053Bye6vsPCE104Bye3vsBye159Bye5vsBye210ByeBye36vsPCE002Bye1vsHDA052Bye5vsBye105Bye2vsBye159Bye4vsWYE211Bye[3] Steven Fancelli 9 - Whitehall-Yearling45vsBye003Bye2vsBye053Bye1L6L3vsBye211Bye0 - 23Bye54vsWYE003Bye6vsPCE054Bye3vsBye105Bye1vsHDA158Bye2vsBye210Bye[2] malik Branson 9 - Pick. Central63vsBye002Bye5vsBye054Bye2vsBye104Bye4 1:05W1 1:14W2 - 011st: Branson(PCE)2nd: Lutz(HDA)3rd: Fancelli(WYE)4th: Bye5th: Bye6th: ByeTie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2017

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.21x6Whitehall JV invitationalJanuary 21, 2017113Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Christopher Whatley 10 - Cristo Rey12vsBye004Bye3L4L5vsBye161Bye6 10-8 W1 - 23Bye21vsCRE004Bye4vsWYE056Bye6vsPNO107Bye3vsXT2162Bye5vsBye213Bye[4] Carter Paddock*WYE 9 - X236 5:19W1 9-3 W5vsBye108Bye2vsBye162Bye4L2 - 12[3] Sean Hudson 10 - Whitehall-Yearling45vsBye006Bye2vsBye056Bye1 0:49W6 0:29W3 3:41W3 - 01Bye54vsWYE006Bye6vsPNO057Bye3vsXT2108Bye1vsCRE161Bye2vsBye213Bye[2] Elijah Louis-Charles 10 - Pick. North63L5vsBye057Bye2vsBye107Bye4L1L0 - 341st: Hudson(WYE)2nd: Paddock*WYE(XT2)3rd: Whatley(CRE)4th: Louis-Charles(PNO)5th: Bye6th: ByeTie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2017

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.21x6Whitehall JV invitationalJanuary 21, 2017120Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Jeb Riekert 10 - Pick. North12vsBye007Bye3vsBye058Bye4 1:55W5vsBye164Bye6L1 - 12Bye21vsPNO007Bye4vsWYE059Bye6vsTVA110Bye3vsBye165Bye5vsBye216ByeBye36vsTVA008Bye1vsPNO058Bye5vsBye111Bye2vsBye165Bye4vsWYE217Bye[3] Skyler Watts - Whitehall-Yearling45vsBye009Bye2vsBye059Bye1L6L3vsBye217Bye0 - 23Bye54vsWYE009Bye6vsTVA060Bye3vsBye111Bye1vsPNO164Bye2vsBye216Bye[2] Mccauly Kirk 9 - Teays Valley63vsBye008Bye5vsBye060Bye2vsBye110Bye4 3:39W1 2:53W2 - 011st: Kirk(TVA)2nd: Riekert(PNO)3rd: Watts(WYE)4th: Bye5th: Bye6th: ByeTie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2017

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.21x6Whitehall JV invitationalJanuary 21, 2017126Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Jackson Sowers 9 - Hil. Davidson12vsBye010Bye3 0:39W4 md18-8 W5 md16-3 W6 1:13W4 - 01Bye21vsHDA010Bye4vsPNO062Bye6vsPCE113Bye3vsTVA168Bye5vsWYE219Bye[4] Ryan Remick 9 - Teays Valley36L1L5L2vsBye168Bye4L0 - 45[3] Parker Bennett 9 - Pick. North45L2vsBye062Bye1L6L3 4:23W1 - 34[5] Alex Dickens 11 - Whitehall-Yearling54 md13-5 W6 3:06W3 2:57W1L2vsBye219Bye3 - 12[2] Holden Walters 9 - Pick. Central63 1:22W5L2vsBye113Bye4 7-4 W1L2 - 231st: Sowers(HDA)2nd: Dickens(WYE)3rd: Walters(PCE)4th: Bennett(PNO)5th: Remick(TVA)6th: ByeTie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2017

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.22x4Whitehall JV invitationalJanuary 21, 2017132Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[1] Nexy Monterroza 10 - Cristo Rey12 3:22W3L4L1 - 2TB3[3] Laith Khalil*HDA 9 - X121L4 1:45W3L1 - 2TB4[6] Alex Rodriguez 10 - Whitehall-Yearling34 0:40W1 0:29W2 0:35W3 - 01[5] Willson Ewing 9 - Teays Valley43L2L1 1:42W1 - 2TB2Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[2] Alex Painter 9 - Hil. Davidson12 0:48W3 0:27W4 tf16-1 W3 - 01[7] Mo Khalil*HDA 13 - X221L4L3L0 - 34[8] Daniel Lewis*HDA 9 - X334 10-6 W1L2 0:52W2 - 12[4] Will Herdman 10 - Pick. North43L2 2:19W1L1 - 23 Rodriguez(WYE)9 Lewis*HDA(XT3)12 Ewing(TVA)8 Painter(HDA)5170 Rodriguez(WYE) 2:35171 Painter(HDA) 0:332211st Painter(HDA) tf15-0 Lewis*HDA(XT3)L Ewing(TVA)L2223rd Lewis*HDA(XT3) 5:08 Monterroza(CRE)2 Khalil*HDA(XT2)11 Khalil*HDA(XT1)10 Herdman(PNO)7172 Monterroza(CRE) Disq173 Herdman(PNO) 1:112235th Herdman(PNO) 1:02Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2017

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.21x6Whitehall JV invitationalJanuary 21, 2017138Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Cameron Ramey 9 - Pick. Central12vsBye017Bye3 3:44W4L5 0:55W6 0:37W3 - 12Bye21vsPCE017Bye4vsWYE069Bye6vsTVA120Bye3vsXT2175Bye5vsXT1226Bye[4] Mark Mahl*PCE 9 - X236 1:48W1L5 0:52W2vsBye175Bye4L2 - 23[3] Jerimi Freeman 10 - Whitehall-Yearling45 0:40W2vsBye069Bye1 3:22W6 0:49W3 5:58W4 - 01[5] Donovan Legg*WYE 10 - X154L6L3L1L2vsBye226Bye0 - 45[2] Sam Kaut 9 - Teays Valley63L5 10-9 W2vsBye120Bye4L1L1 - 341st: Freeman(WYE)2nd: Ramey(PCE)3rd: Mahl*PCE(XT2)4th: Kaut(TVA)5th: Legg*WYE(XT1)6th: ByeTie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2017

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.21x6Whitehall JV invitationalJanuary 21, 2017145Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Ethan Hopping 10 - Hil. Davidson12vsBye020Bye3 0:45W4 2:00W5 1:29W6 1:59W4 - 01Bye21vsHDA020Bye4vsWYE072Bye6vsPNO123Bye3vsXT2178Bye5vsXT1229Bye[4] Maan Khaira*HDA 10 - X236L1L5L2vsBye178Bye4L0 - 45[3] Isiaih Sellers 10 - Whitehall-Yearling45 5-3 W2vsBye072Bye1L6 md15-4 W3 0:18W3 - 12[5] Nick Lingaman*HDA 9 - X154L6L3 0:44W1L2vsBye229Bye1 - 34[2] Isaac Louis-Charles 12 - Pick. North63 1:49W5 1:37W2vsBye123Bye4L1L2 - 231st: 2nd: 3rd: 4th: 5th: 6th: Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2017

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.22x4Whitehall JV invitationalJanuary 21, 2017152Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[1] Ryan Woyak 11 - Bexley12L3L4L0 - 34[8] Raad Hardan*HDA 9 - X121 1:56W4L3 2:52W2 - 12[5] Wing Yu 10 - Whitehall-Yearling34L1 3:21W2L1 - 23[4] Dae Hargrow*PCE 10 - X443 2:45W2 3:15W1 0:45W3 - 01Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rank/Res[3] KiRon Anderson 9 - Hartley12 12-6 W3L4L1 - 23[7] Genghis Shakhan*PCE 11 - X221L4L3L0 - 34[6] Tawfiq Faour*HDA 10 - X334L1 2:48W2 9-6 W2 - 12[2] Dylan Evans 9 - Hil. Davidson43 tf20-5 W2 5:52W1 3:59W3 - 01 Hargrow*PCE(XT4)13 Faour*HDA(XT3)12 Hardan*HDA(XT1)10 Evans(HDA)5180 Faour*HDA(XT3) 5:16181 Evans(HDA) 2:312311st Evans(HDA) 0:34 Hargrow*PCE(XT4)L Hardan*HDA(XT1)L2323rd Hargrow*PCE(XT4) 4:59 Yu(WYE)9 Shakhan*PCE(XT2)11 Woyak(BEX)1 Anderson(HAR)4182 Shakhan*PCE(XT2) 0:50183 Anderson(HAR) 0:442335th Anderson(HAR) md17-8 Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2017

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.22x5Whitehall JV invitationalJanuary 21, 2017160Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Ismail Jallaq 12 - Bexley12vsBye027Bye4 tf16-0 W3 0:40W0vsBye5 0:45W3 - 01Bye21vsBEX027Bye0vsBye4vsTVA130Bye5vsPCE154Bye3vsPNO185Bye[5] Daniel Bartarseh 10 - Pick. North30vsBye5L1L4L2vsBye185Bye0 - 34[7] Ricky Seberig 10 - Teays Valley45L1L2vsBye130Bye3 4:33W0vsBye1 - 23[4] Josh Austin 12 - Pick. Central54 1:09W3 0:44W0vsBye2vsBye154Bye1L2 - 12Pool BRnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[2] Aaron Bullard 11 - Cristo Rey12L4L3L0vsBye5 13-10 W1 - 34Andres Perez 11 - X121 3:38W0vsBye4 1:16W5 2:33W3L3 - 12[6] Mo Jashan 11 - Hil. Davidson30vsBye5 1:34W1 1:11W4 1:53W2 2:53W4 - 01[8] Chris Hogan 10 - Whitehall-Yearling45 1:53W1 0:35W2L3L0vsBye2 - 23[3] Richard Proebstl 10 - Hartley54L3L0vsBye2L1L0 - 45 Jallaq(BEX)1 Jashan(HDA)52351st Jashan(HDA) md9-0 Austin(PCE)6 Perez(XT1)102363rd Austin(PCE) 1:15 Seberig(TVA)8 Hogan(WYE)92375th Hogan(WYE) 2:13Tie-Breaker CriterionThe winner shall be the wrestler who:1. Won the greater number of matches.2. Won the head-to-head match.3. Has been penalized the least number of team points for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct.4. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all matches.5. Accumulated the greater number of team points for all for falls, defaults, forfeits, or disqualifications.6. Accumulated the greater number of team points for technical falls.7. Accumulated the greater number of team points for major decisions.8. Accumulated the greater number of points for decisions.9. Accumulated the greater number of pins in the least time.10. Accumulated the quickest pin.11. Accumulated the greatest total point differential for decisions.12. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of a coin will be used.This event managed by the Baumspage Wrestling App. (c)2014-2017

Created with Raphaƫl 2.1.21x6Whitehall JV invitationalJanuary 21, 2017170Pool ARnd: 1Rnd: 2Rnd: 3Rnd: 4Rnd: 5Rank/Res[1] Bradley Binsky 11 - Bexley12vsBye031Bye3 1:58W4 3:31W5 1:27W6 1:47W4 - 01Bye21vsBEX031Bye4vsPCE083Bye6vsHAR134Bye3vsXT2189Bye5vsXT1241Bye[4] Chase Raynolds*PCE - X236L1L5L2vsBye189Bye4L0 - 45[3] Anthony Zullo 10 - Pick. Central45 6-2 W2vsBye083Bye1L6 8-2 W3 0:17W3 - 12[5] Devin Hargrow*PCE 11 - X154L6 16-13 W3 0:59W1L2vsBye241Bye2 - 23[2] Kenyon Davis 9 - Hartley63 1:22W5L2vsBye134Bye4L1L1 - 341st: Binsky(BEX)2nd: Zullo(PCE)3rd: Hargrow*PCE(XT1)4th: Davis(HAR)5th: Raynolds*PCE(XT2)6th: ByeTie-Breaker CriterionThe winner